A. Plávku-priechod pre chodcov-chýbajúci

Zodpovednosť za riešenie: Hlavné mesto SR Bratislava


A pedestrian crossing is missing to cross Misikova when going to/from Havlickova.

Drivers turn here in a dangerous way and there is not enough visibility to cross safely without running.

Please paint a pedestrian crossing here.

Thank you.

04. apríl 2019

Odpoveď samosprávy


thank you for informing us about the situation. We have sent it to Department of traffic.

Department of public relations
Municipality of Bratislava
05. apríl 2019

Odpoveď samosprávy


Thank you for your tip.
Situation described by you is located in highly residential area, which is 30km/h zone, where speed of vehicles is reduced and castle hill narrow streets are determined to use for pedestrians too. Whole castle hill area is 30km/h zone with occasional pedestrians crossings, where are pedestrians free to go across the streets and are not limited into designated space of footpaths. Due to this we see this tip as non-relevant.

Department of traffic
05. apríl 2019

Filipa Andrade


thank you for your answer. I understand but unfortunately in Bratislava speed limits do not work. They need to be enforced by other ways, I am quite sure most of the drivers in that area don't even know there is a 30km/h limit.

Other ways of limiting the speed are pedestrian crossings, bumps and traffic lights. Just look at Stefanikova and you will see how crazy the drivers go there. It is a high way because it looks like that.

This place near Hlboka is close to a school and a pedestrian zone. I have had several near accidents with children there. Please do something about this place.

Thank you.


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